Buy 1 lb. of meat per person
1 regular sausage (chorizo)
1 black sausage (morcilla)
1/2 kidney
1 stuffed intestine (chinchulin)
1/2 spiced meat covered with a fine membrane (pamplona)
1/2 spiced liver, also covered with membrane
1/2 provolone cheese
To start your fire: Buy “espinillo” logs for firewood.Make sure the logs are hard,dry and thin. It takes about 6 lbs.of wood for 4 persons. Place paper (old newspaper), then pine cones, then the firewood in the grate. If the fire is hard to start, place some meat fat on the wood to burn. Let it burn until it produces a good quantity of red embers. Meanwhile, clean the rack by placing over the fire and wiping it with oil. Remove from heat. Place red embers under the rack, then salted meat on the rack and then the rest of the barbeque, washed and pierced on a grill fork on the rack.
Place the cheese on an oiled iron pan and sprinkle with oregano. The cheese should receive more heat, since it will be served first. When the cheese is brown around the edges, it is done. Remove from fire and serve with fresh white French bread.
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